YouЎЇd think I'd have the sense to run
KnowinЎЇ where youЎЇre cominЎЇ from
I canЎЇt bring myself to go
Heaven help me I canЎЇt say no
I see forever in you deep blue eyes
And I know where the danger lies
Tell me whatЎЇs a girl to do
When sheЎЇs up against the likes of you
IЎЇm old enough to know better
But too young to resist
IЎЇd lay awake at night
WonderinЎЇ what I might have missed
But somethin' tells me your trouble
The only trouble is
IЎЇm old enough to know better
But too young to resist
Now good things come to those who wait
SomethinЎЇ tells me this is fate
And after all that I've been through