(Music and Lyrics by Sielck)(A futuristic vision of a world controlled by computers and and machines who dictate mankind's way of living and control the genetic codes in the name of peace)
Just like a machine programmed and build to obey
serving the system in devotion
faithfully day after day
Feels your do not know an unpolluted mind
In a world free of distress
disturbing emotions of any kind
The perfect system to maintain mankind
the department of thoughts it watches your mind
Brave, brave new world
of biogenetic design
where the perfect people life perfect lifes
and individuals get pulverized
Brave, brave new world
where mankind is down on it's knees
to the masterplan of insanity
slaves of science in agony
Brave, brave new world
Genetic engineering created your DNA
codes and patterns lay down your life
define you to obey
Escape the nightmare you can't even dream
your nature is human - you ain't no machine
Brave, brave new world
Solo Piet
Break the chains and free your spirit
start to be alife
Be an individual and rise
And rise!
Brave, brave new world....
Brave, brave new world
of biogenetic design